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Texas bariatric weight loss surgery surgeons answer the question, “Now that I had weight loss surger

Weight loss after bariatric surgery depends on the kind of operation a person has. After gastric banding, like Lap-Band surgery, the weight loss is slower and over a three year time span. Surgeries like sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass have rapid weight loss over the first six to twelve months and then enter the maintenance phase.

The maintenance phase after weight loss surgery is the most difficult for weight loss patients after surgery because they have been losing weight so fast for so long. When the weight loss slows down or stops, they become fearful that they will begin to gain it all back or that they haven’t lost enough weight. The key to this phase of post-surgery health is all in diet and exercise.

The surgery has a dramatic effect, but after it has done its work, continued vigilance is required. Maintaining the healthy diet a person is one during the weight loss phase is crucial to continued weight loss and maintenance. If a person has not lost enough weight or wants to lose more, than a strict calorie count and diet is required. Physical activity is a must as well. To maintain weight loss, a person needs to exercise 45 minutes, 3 times a week. To lose weight, 45-60 minutes of exercise 5 days a week is necessary. This is a lot of exercise; however, this will not only burn calories but also increase the basal metabolic rate (or the amount of calories your body burns at rest).

I encourage my patients to always remain focused on their goal. Persistence is the key to long term success. Also, I remind them how far they have come already and never lose sight of their success.

Houston physician doctor surgeon performs gastric bypass sleeve gastrectomy heartburn and reflux surgeries robotic
Houston physician doctor surgeon performs gastric bypass sleeve gastrectomy heartburn and reflux surgeries robotic
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